VC Darling Crypto Sui Makes Waves With Market Debut, Price Sinks 37% From All-Time High

A buzz has been generated around a new layer one (L1) proof-of-stake blockchain initiative named Sui, following the network’s mainnet debut on May 3, 2023. The native token SUI has been listed on various cryptocurrency exchanges, drawing attention to the project….

Mad Money's Jim Cramer vabandab, et pärast aktsiate kukkumist Facebooki vanemate meta osas eksis

Mad Money saatejuht, Jim Cramer, vabandas investorite ees, et nad eksisid Facebooki emaettevõtte Meta Platformsi suhtes pärast seda, kui selle aktsia kukkus rekordiliselt madalale. “Tegin siin vea. ma eksisin,” ütles ta emotsionaalselt pärast seda, kui oli varem öelnud…

SECi esimees Gensler esitab ühe reegliraamatu krüptomääruse ettepaneku

USA esimees. Väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjon (SEC), Gary Gensler, has reportedly proposedone rule bookfor the regulation of crypto assets. “If this industry is going to take any path forward, it will build some better trust in

Terra plahvatuse paljastamine – Terraform Labsi suurte nimede toetajad ja null kokkupuute väited

Digitaalsete valuutaturgude väärtus on jätkuvalt langenud, kuna krüptomajandus on langenud 14% mineviku jooksul 24 tundi. Keset turumurdmist, native Terra blockchain token LUNA on langenud uutele madalatele tasemetele, juurde libisemas…

Kaevandusaruanne näitab, et Bitcoini elektritarbimine on vähenenud 25% 1. kvartalis 2022

At the end of May last year, Tesla’s Elon Musk convinced bitcoin industry leaders to form a Bitcoin Mining Council (BMC) and in mid-July, the BMC launched its public services and website. aprillil 25, 2022, the organization published a report

Bitcoini kaevandamise aruanne näitab võrgu heitkoguste kontot 0.08% maailma CO2-st

Viimase aasta jooksul, Bitcoin — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (PoW) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. See nädal, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that

Topps Drops MLB World Series NFT Collection — Championship Game Attendees Can Get NFTs Specific to Each Game

The popular candies and collectibles company Topps has announced the launch of its 2021 Topps NOW MLB World Series non-fungible token (NFT) collection, following the firms second series 2021 Topps Baseball NFT collection. Similar to the companys past NFT drops, Topps